1st Class Forever Stamps (5 books of 20)

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It's that time of year again when you have to mail your Christmas cards to friends and family all around the world, and Costco is there to help. You can buy 5 booklets of 20 1st Class Forever Stamps saving you an inconvient trip to the post office which can be tedious and unbearable with long lines and inefficient service. Buying your stamps at Costco is better since you'll most likely go to Costco than to the post office on a given day. That way you can bundle buying postage stamps with your regular Costco run. That and Costco is open on the weekends while many post offices are not. The cost of a 1st class stamp is 47 cents making 5 booklets of 20 (100 total stamps) worth $47. Although, you only save 25 cents buying stamps at Costco, these are forever stamps. This means that they can still be used despite price increases in 1st class postage. There is no such thing as a price decrease when it comes to postage since price can only go up for stamps. Although your savings are minimal, you're bound to save more anytime there's a price increase. That and you'll get more convenience and less headaches buying stamps from Costco instead of the post office. These stamps are good forever!

Ensure you have postage for your Christmas cards with Forever Stamps from Costco
Ensure you have postage for your Christmas cards with Forever Stamps from Costco

Here are the specs:

1st Class Forever Stamps Product Info

Costco Item#: 262092
Costco Price: $46.75
Found at: Costco in Redwood City, CA (2300 Middlefield Rd.)
(price and availability may vary per Costco location)

Costco 262092 - Deal for 5 booklets of 20 forever stamps at Costco
Deal for 5 booklets of 20 forever stamps at Costco

United States Postal Service: Stamps to Go
Forever Stamps - the only stamps you can buy right now and use forever, regardless of future price increases.

    Key Features:
  • 5 booklets of 20 self-adhesive forever stamps (100 stamps total)
  • Current 1st class postage rate: 47 cents


Superdog said...

You save a quarter on almost fifty bucks? Really? Why not save 2 cents. That's about the same. After paying for a membership I expect better or just don't sell stamps it's not convenient to even go into your store or wait in line, so stamps can be delivered to my house for free if I order from PO. LOL

ExecMemberMike said...

Hello @Superdog, you're right that you don't really save a whole lot buying postage stamps at Costco, but I do disagree that buying stamps from Costco is inconvenient. A lot of people end up going to Costco more frequently than going to the post office. Now I wouldn't go to Costco just to buy stamps, but if I'm already going there for my normal weekly shopping, then grabbing some stamps would make sense. Yes, you could order online and have it delivered, but I would assume that that would take a few days. What if you needed the stamps right away? For some people that wouldn't work. At least Costco is open on more days with longer hours of operation than most post offices. Although I don't see anything wrong with buying stamps online, at least Costco gives people another option to get postage stamps, so it all depends on people's personal preferences.

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