Kirkland Beef Loin New York Steak

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Costco is usually not the first place to go when buying meat. Sometimes you simply don't need the quantities that Costco sells. If you are hosting a party or bbq, then you should make a stop at Costco for their Kirkland Beef Loin New York Steaks. Costco meat is definitely underrated, but it's just as good as what you get from the grocery store. Not only that, but it's usually cheaper. Costco steaks are good quality and is great for grilling and barbecues. I wouldn't be surprised if Costco steaks were used in many restaurants.

Feed your family or guests with Costco steaks
Feed your family or guests with Costco steaks

Here are the specs:

Kirkland Beef Loin New York Steak Product Info

Costco Item#: 33593
Costco Price: $7.99 per lb
Found at: Costco in Redwood City, CA (2300 Middlefield Rd.)
(price and availability may vary per Costco location)

Costco 33593 - Costco steaks: it's what's for dinner
Costco steaks: it's what's for dinner

Deal for Kirkland Beef Loin New York Steak at Costco
Deal for Kirkland Beef Loin New York Steak at Costco

Kirkland Beef Loin New York Steak

    Key Features:
  • USDA Choice Grade
  • Blade tenderized


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