Essenza Bath Bombs (set of 6)

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Don't you know that taking a hot, steamy bath isn't just for getting clean? If you're into baths, then you know that a good bath can be relaxing and quite therapeutic. Doesn't that just sound nice after a long day of work? It's a good thing Costco has Essenza Bath Bombs. These bath bombs will help you relieve that stress and ease the tension from your daily life. It comes in a pack of 6 with 3 flavors: lavender, eucalyptus, and grapefruit. They're similar to the bath bombs you would get at Bath and Body Works. These bath bombs will make your baths that much better and will make bath time fun again.

Make bath time fun again with Essenza Bath Bombs
Make bath time fun again with Essenza Bath Bombs

Here are the specs:

Essenza Bath Bombs (set of 6) Product Info

Costco Item#: 1205307
Costco Price: $12.99
Found at: Costco in Foster City, CA (1001 Metro Center Blvd.)
(price and availability may vary per Costco location)

Costco 1205307 - Essenza Bath Bombs: great for anyone wanting the ultimate bath
Essenza Bath Bombs: great for anyone wanting the ultimate bath

Deal for a set of 6 Essenza Bath Bombs at Costco
Deal for a set of 6 Essenza Bath Bombs at Costco

Essenza Premium Aromatherapy Bath Bombs

Specially formulated with Shea Buttery Essential Oils, Epsom Salt, Olive Oil & Vitamin E. Experience the natural aromatherapy benefits of essential oils with Essenza premium bath bombs.

Grapefruit - Uplifting
Enjoy the uplifting aromatherapy benefits of summer grapefruit for a quick pick-me-up.

Eucalyptus - Revitalizing
Soak the stress away with revitalizing scent of refreshing eucalyptus.

Lavendar - Calming
Relax and unwind to the calming floral scent of fresh lavender.

    Key Features:
  • Pack of 6
  • 7.5 oz
  • Essential oils, shea butter, epsom salts
  • Flavors: grapefruit, eucalyptus, lavender


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