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I know a lot of us have boxes of old home movies that we've shot throughout the years. It's there taking up space, collecting dust, and most of the time, we would no longer have a VCR or a compatible player to play them on our tv. You can't just get rid of these tapes since they're years of fond memories: weddings, family vacations, birthdays, recitals, or your first steps as an infant. Costco now has a service where they can digitize those home movies where they convert it to dvd and you can view them online with the Vintage Transfer Service Kit. That way, they'll be on a digital format that you can easily access and play without having to hook up your old vcr. Not only that, but it takes the pain of having to do the conversion yourself which you have to hook up several components together and play and record at the same time. That can be tedious and more importantly very time consuming if you choose to do it yourself. Costco does all of this for you with its digital conversion. The kit includes everything you need to pack your videotapes (up to 5...if you have more, then you must buy more of these digital conversion kits) and send it off and they do the rest. They'll even send the originals back to you. This service can accommodate VHS, Betamax (aka Beta which my family actually had growing up), and other formats which your movies may be recorded on. If you want to consolidate all your movies into a standard format of today, then consider converting them with the Vintage Transfer Service Kit Digital Conversion which will allow you to transfer up to 5 tapes to dvd and to view online. Your moments and memories will no longer be forgotten when you convert your old tapes to dvds.
Digitize your home movies with the Vintage Transfer Service Kit Digital Conversion |
Here are the specs:
Vintage Transfer Service Kit Digital Conversion Product Info
Costco Item#: 1112881
Costco Price: $99.99
Found at: Costco in Foster City, CA (1001 Metro Center Blvd.)
(price and availability may vary per Costco location)
Restore your old memories to its former glory with the Vintage Transfer Service Kit Digital Conversion |
Deal for the Vintage Transfer Service Kit Digital Conversion at Costco |
Vintage Transfer Service Kit Digital Conversion: Bringing your video memories into the digital age has never been easier!
1. Personalize
2. Pack
3. Ship
We'll take care of the rest. Once your kit arrives at YesVideo's secure Memory Factory, our technicians will digitize your videotapes using state of the art technology. In about 3 weeks you'll receive your DVDs, online account and original videotapes.
Key Features:
- 2 archive quality gold DVDs for each videotape
- Private online account for viewing and editing
- Free mobile app for sharing anywhere
- Digital conversion for 5 videotapes
- VHS and S-VHS
- BetaMax
- VHS-c, S-VHS-C
- Hi-8, Digital 8, 8mm
- DV, DVCam
- MiniDV, DVC
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