Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler (model no. 60130u)

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The trend nowadays is to go green by reducing, recycling, and reusing which helps the environment and planet Earth. One good way you can do your part is by composting food scraps. All you have to do is combine green material (vegetable stalks, fruit peels, coffee grinds, tea leaves) that provides nitrogen with brown material (dried leaves, sawdust, cut up newspaper) that provides carbon. Your compost also needs air in order for this material to decompose naturally. That's why the Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler (model no. 60130u) is so handy for composting. It allows you to spin the barrels easily in order to aerate your compost - it's recommended that you give it a good spin everyday. If your compost doesn't get the air it needs, then your compost will start to smell bad which isn't a good thing. If your compost decomposes properly, it should smell like rich earth and be a little bit damp. Other compost bins that don't spin make you have to mix the compost manually which can be a pain while the Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler spins easily making it convenient to mix on a daily basis. Once the material is composted, you can add it to the soil in your backyard or garden. The compost is very good for your garden since it contains organic material and valuable nutrients healthy for plants and flowers. It's kind of like an organic fertilizer for your garden. What's great about the Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler (model no. 60130u) is that it has 2 50 gallon barrels so that as one batch of compost is ready be added to your soil, another batch can begin the composting process. This composter is meant to be placed outside, so if you want to decrease your carbon footprint, you may want to consider getting the Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler (model no. 60130u).

Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler to reduce, recycle, and resuse
Recycle, reuse, and compost with the Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler (model no. 60130u)

Here are the specs:

Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler model no. 60130u (2 50 gallon drums) Product Info

Costco Item#: 965452
Costco Price: $149.99
Found at: Costco in Redwood City, CA (2300 Middlefield Rd)
(price and availability may vary per Costco location)

Save the environment with the Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler
Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler (model no. 60130u): great for the environment

Decompose your food scraps with the Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler
Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler (model no. 60130u) uses your food scraps to make healthy soil for your garden

Deal for the Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler at Costco
Deal for the Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler (model no. 60130u) at Costco

Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler model no. 60130u (2 50 gallon drums)

    Key Features:
  • Front cover pulls down and stows away
  • Felt-lined interior
  • 8 removable drawers
  • Silicone feet
  • Nickel-plated hardware


Laura Bracken said...

Finally finished putting it together. I could do a much better/faster job now that I know what I'm doing. Look forward to using it. It's VERY low priced compared to the competition.

Laura Bracken said...

Finally finished putting it together. I could do a much better/faster job now that I know what I'm doing. Look forward to using it. It's VERY low priced compared to the competition.

ExecMemberMike said...

Hi @Laura, that's great to hear that you finally got your Lifetime 60130u Dual Compost Tumbler all set up. I hope you'll be able to make some good compost for your backyard soon enough!

ExecMemberMike said...

Hello @Diane, I guess a little WD-40 isn't enough to take care of the rust on the hinge. You may have to contact the manufacturer to get a replacement hinge for your Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler. Hopefully they can help you out. If not, you can always take a trip to the hardware store to find something similar which might be good enough for the tumbler.

execmemberJeff said...

I saw this composter on about a month ago when I was doing my research. Now that I am ready to buy, I don't see it on the website! Am I missing something, or is Costco not selling it anymore?

ExecMemberMike said...

Hi @execmemberJeff, I've found that the items at Costco and what's found on its website is never consistent. It's not uncommon for a certain product to be found online but not in the warehouse (and vice-versa) as is the case with this Lifetime Dual Compost Tumbler. Not only that, but Costco seems to constantly change what's on the sales floor. This is especially true for seasonal products. Hopefully, you can find the composter (or at least something similar) either at a nearby Costco location or online.

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